Set custom shipping rates based on cart/order quantity.
Custom shipping rates based on the total value of your cart or order.
Customizable shipping rates for sale products total.
Customizable shipping rates for non sake products total.
Set custom rules to calculate shipping costs accurately according to the weight.
Set custom rules to charge shipping costs accurately according to the distance of destination.
Set custom rules to calculate shipping costs accurately according to the customer's address.
Customize shipping rates based on the day of the order.
Customize shipping rates based on the order time.
Set custom shipping rates based on per product quantity.
Customize shipping rates for individual products based on their prices.
Establish per-product shipping rules based on total value.
Configure custom shipping rates for individual products according to their weight.
Set custom shipping rates for individual products based on their names.
Apply per-product shipping rates based on product tags.
Define custom shipping rates for individual products using their unique SKU identifiers.
Set shipping rates for individual products according to their type.
Configure custom shipping rates for individual products based on their respective vendors.
Configure personalized shipping rates for customers based on their names.
Customize shipping rates for customers based on their email addresses.
Customize shipping rates for customers based on their company names.
Configure customized shipping rates for customers based on their city of residence.
Customize shipping rates for customers based on the number of their previous orders.
Customize shipping rates for customers based on assigned tags.
Configure personalized shipping rates for customers based on their province codes.
Configure customized shipping rates for customers based on the total amount spent on previous orders.
Customize shipping rates for orders scheduled for delivery on different days of the week.
Calculate shipping rates based on the time gap between the order date and the delivery date.
Customize shipping rates for orders scheduled for delivery on specific calendar dates.
Customize shipping rates for orders scheduled for delivery within specific time frames.
Customize shipping rates for different delivery types such as local delivery, or store pickup or shipping.